Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Socioeconomics of Government Contracting - 747 Words

Assignment 2: Socioeconomics of Government Contracting Tyasheen Anderson Dr. Bonita Campbell LEG440 February 3, 2013 After reading the sample request for proposal, it has been determined that the proposal does not meet the government’s standard form for solicitation. A typical form is much lengthier than the provided sample; however the information provided is very straight to the point. It does specify the services they would like to have performed and does ask the bidder to provide further information in their response. The official form would list other information like the deadline for final submission and would specify if there will be a bidders meeting. A typical RFP is about 12 pages long and would elaborate on the work†¦show more content†¦The person conducting the review or decision should not be related in any way to the procurement in question, they should be a neutral party. When a contractor files a protest it needs to be logical and to the point, it should also contain the protestor’s name, address and contact information and needs to specify that this is a protest. When filing a protest at the agency level there are two different deadlines. You can either file before the closing of the bid or after. In this case if the larger company file after the bid is closed they have 10 days to do so after the basis for the protest is known. If the protest is received before the award, no award with be issued until the protest is resolved. If the larger company decides to file their protest at the GAO level, the same rules apply. They need to have a clear and concise format and it must be in writing. When filing at the GAO level the protest needs to be detailed, factual and legal grounds for the complaint. There needs to be proof of prejudice as the basis. The contractor will also need to provide the agency with a full copy of their protest or complaint. At the GAO level there are three different deadlines, but they all need to be filed no later than 10 days after the protestor learns of the offensive action. The last way to file a protest is through the U.S. Court of Federal Claims. In this scenario there is a judge that will preside over the matter and act asShow MoreRelatedSocioeconomic Government Contracting943 Words   |  4 Pages Socioeconomic Government Contracting Synopsis The sample proposal reveals that DHS (Department of Homeland Security) is accepting a proposal from various firms to support Evergreen open source software. Objective of this paper is to evaluate the attached proposal and determine whether it meets government standard form for solicitation. 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